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C++ Sucks

C++ Sucks

Regular price $24.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $24.00 CAD
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C++, the programming language that's basically a middle finger to simplicity and sanity. It's as if its creators sat down and wondered, 'How can we make programmers' lives a misery?' and then, voilà, C++ was born. It's like deciding to build a skyscraper with nothing but a hammer and a box of mismatched Legos.

This language treats memory management like an extreme sport – it's not a question of if you'll crash, but when. C++ has more undefined behavior than a haunted house has ghosts. And pointers? They're like playing Russian roulette with your code; eventually, it’s going to blow up in your face.

C++ is the programming equivalent of trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle. A jigsaw puzzle that's on fire. In a tornado. It's perfect for those who looked at easier languages and said, 'This is nice, but I wish it caused me deep psychological torment.' With C++, every day is a new adventure in a minefield of segfaults, memory leaks, and arcane syntax.
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