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Javascript Sucks

Javascript Sucks

Regular price $24.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $24.00 CAD
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JavaScript, the language that turns your browser into an unpredictable amusement park ride.

It's the only language that can turn a simple task into a labyrinthine puzzle, complete with traps and mirages. With its type coercion, you'll feel like a magician, turning strings into numbers and objects into booleans with the wave of a wand—and just as often, sawing your application in half by accident. Let's not forget the endless parade of frameworks, each one promising to be the last you'll ever need, until next week when a newer, shinier one comes along.

It's the duct tape of the internet, holding together the web with its sticky, confusing, yet somehow indispensable charm. Embrace the language that keeps you guessing, keeps you learning, and keeps you wondering why you didn't take up gardening instead.
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