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Lua Sucks

Lua Sucks

Regular price $24.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $24.00 CAD
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Lua, the programming language that's like trying to build a skyscraper with toothpicks and chewing gum. With its simplistic syntax and lackluster features, Lua is the perfect way to make your code feel like it's stuck in the Stone Age.

Sure, it claims to be lightweight and embeddable, but only if you consider "lightweight" to mean "barely functional." It's like trying to run a marathon with lead shoes while everyone else is zooming past you in Ferraris.

But hey, if you enjoy feeling like you're programming with one hand tied behind your back, then Lua is the language for you. So here's to Lua – the programming equivalent of banging your head against a brick wall and wondering why it hurts.
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