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R Sucks

R Sucks

Regular price $24.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $24.00 CAD
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Fine, let's cut straight to the chase: R is the dumpster fire of programming languages. Ever wanted to feel like you're drowning in a swamp of spaghetti code? Congratulations, because with R, you'll experience a whole new level of coding hell.

But wait, it gets better! R's error messages are like a cruel joke played on unsuspecting programmers. Want to know why your code isn't working? Tough luck! R will mock you with cryptic messages that might as well be written in ancient Greek for all the sense they make.

So, if you enjoy the feeling of being trapped in coding purgatory and the soul-crushing despair of never-ending debugging sessions, then R is the language for you. Just don't be surprised if you find yourself questioning the meaning of life after one too many encounters with its infuriating quirks.
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